Inuarashi and Nekomamushi defeat Jack and the allies are now faced against Kaidou himself. As Luffy falls into the sea, various fights progress over Onigashima. Kaido's Army Great Assemble, Decisive Battle Draws Near! He then decides to take Tama to a doctor, and disguises himself as a samurai to better go unnoticed. Watching Zoro fight, Hyogoro and Kawamatsu remember someone from way back. Elsewhere, Luffy and the Thousand Sunny washed up on a beach. Episode 744 is the episode that you're talking about. Toko laughs out loud, enraging Orochi. At the shogun's castle, CP-0 attempts to negotiate with Orochi. In addition, he is accused of having stolen the Shuusui sword, a national treasure of Wano Country, which belonged to Ryuma. Were going to tell you how and when it started, what has happened during the arc, and also when it is supposed to end. Luffy and Kaidou continue their fight, and Luffy falls off Onigashima, unconscious. Settled! Introduction Of The Wano Arc Meanwhile, Sanji is caught and interrogated by Black Maria in what he calls heaven.. Now that the Warlords are no longer affiliated with the World Government, the Marines pursue the former members. Gazelleman kidnaps Tama and takes her to the Bakura District, where some Beasts Pirates and government officials reside including the headliners Basil Hawkins, Holdem, and Speed. Beast pirate ships attack the Scabbards' boat, but the Scabbards are saved by the pirate ships of Luffy, Law, and Kid. The Two Emperors, Hiyori's Confession! Meanwhile, Queen, the Lead Performer, comes up with a plan to stop the rampaging Big Mom. Meanwhile, Luffy and the other allied pirates from the Worst Generation make it to the rooftop to finally face off against Kaidou and Big Mom. Luffy asks Kid to join the fight against Kaido, but Kid rejects his offer and leaves Udon with Killer. Luffy faces those who are infected by the Plague Rounds and the non-infected prisoners who submit to the authority of Udon. Straw Hats Fight Back! Luffy, Zoro, and Kiku fight back against the attacking Beasts Pirates and their samurai allies. Kaido dispatches Luffy, who ends up laboring in a mine and finding a familiar face; Okiku heads to Oden Castle to check on the Straw Hats. Shinobu, Nami, and Brook sneak into the palace as well. King, Queen, and Jack watch her during this, and Queen expresses his anger at King for his lack of thoroughness in attacking the Big Mom Pirates outside Wano. Luffy continues to train and successfully strengthens his Haki. At Kuri Beach, Chopper gives the amnesiac Big Mom a fake name. Samurai, shogun, and ninja! Kid finally finds Big Mom, preparing to fight. Oden travels to various places and has many eventful experiences. After this incident, Oden was expelled from the capital. Luffy pursues Kid and Zoro follows, but they get lost within the banquet. Kawamatsu reveals that after Hiyori left him, he went to Ringo, where he encountered Onimaru, a komagitsune who was the companion of Ringo's late daimyo Shimotsuki Ushimaru. Fierce Fight! Kaidou arrives in front of Momonosuke, crushing Kin'emon. And someone else who is brought to the site reveals the shocking truth about Kamazo. Arrival of Reinforcements! Fans have no idea how that last outing will go, but it will involve some aspect of this arc. Meanwhile, Holdem and his men battle the Mt. A Fierce Battle at the Execution Room. Onigashima enters an all-out war, and allied troops enter from several angles, including Marco and Perospero, who have teamed up. The Keeper of Whitebeards Last Memento, which premiered on June 23, 2019. Zoro poses as a ronin, Usopp works as a merchant, Franky works as a carpenter, and Robin trains as a geisha. Back inside the shogun's castle, Orochi warns his guests about the return of the Nine Red Scabbards. Robin tries to flee with Toko but she is found by the Orochi Oniwabanshu. In Ringo, Brook finds Zoro, Hiyori, and Toko and informs them of the impending execution in the Flower Capital. Yasuie then gives gold to Oden's retainers to let them train and become worthy samurai. Fight Against the Dark Night - The Commander-in-Chief of Wano Country Sounds Off. The Straw Hats reluctantly accept Drake into the alliance. The drunken Kaido flies above Okobore Town in his dragon form and threatens Shutenmaru and all the people in the town. Meanwhile, Nami, heading towards the stage on the Live Floor along with Usopp and Tama, hears a strange voice. The Assault of the Strawman! Orochi's Pursuers! "The Wano Country Arc will ramp up to the climax of the series as the final arc! At Onigashima, Kaido and Big Mom continue fighting unabated, having been doing so all night. Deducing that the magistrate is the culprit, Zoro attacks him and his men. Kanjuro makes off with Momonosuke, though Momonosuke rallies the troops to attack Onigashima without him. What episode does the doflamingo arc end? The Spider That Lures Sanji, A Comeback Move! Their ships are too many in number for the port, so the determined samurai sink their ships so the troops can land ashore. As they sail on, Robin takes the sleeping Toko from Brook to give her warmth. The Magician Basil Hawkins Enters the Scene! Finally Clashing - The Ferocious Luffy vs. Kaido. Thanks to the efforts of Nefertari Cobra and Riku Doldo III, the Seven Warlords of the Sea have been abolished. Bartolomeo and Law look back on Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates adventures in Wano Country, featuring Zoro and Sanji. The Coming of the Storm! The Roger Pirates travel to Zou to get a copy of the final Road Ponegylph needed in order to arrive at the final island. Luffy, Law, Kin'emon, and Kiku start running towards the town to rescue them. Zoro manages to scar Kaidou, but both him and Law are defeated, and Luffy resolves to defeat the Emperor. If that were to be true, then One Piece would have ended two decades ago in 2002. Headliner! Afterwards, they discuss Rocks and his crew, the Rocks Pirates, in which three of the Four Emperors have been members as well as a team-up between Garp and Roger to defeat them. However, the Beasts Pirates continue infecting prisoners with Excite Bullets. Luffy and Hyogoro meet Caribou and Raizo and talks about the rebellion. The Dawn of the Land of Wano - The All-Out Battle Heats Up! Trafalgar Law follows through Kaidou's castle, and Who's-Who stops chasing Yamato to resolve other business. At the Prisoner Mines, the Sumo Inferno begins, but Luffy easily defeated his opponents. Meanwhile, Nami, Tama, and Usopp return to the Live Floor, chased by Page One. Nami and Carrot escape from the Homies with a combined electric attack, and Nami retrieves Zeus. The early beginnings of Luffy's pirate adventure are reiterated, set in a similar world, but with notable differences. Sanji is freed from Black Maria's webs by Brook and Robin and went to help the Scabbards. Luffy wakes up on the beach of Kuri, a region of Wano Country, after being stranded there with the Thousand Sunny. On top of that, they fall prey to a terrible storm, which Nami says is a natural barrier to entering Wano Country. At the Oihagi Bridge, Zoro clashes with Gyukimaru to get Shusui back. The Capital in an Uproar! The Land of Wano Arc will finally begin!" - Article continues below advertisement Babanuki, with an elephant cannon in his chest, blasts them off the wall. Kaido's subordinates get more and more afraid about the condition of the island, and wonder if they should flee. The Z's Ambition Arc is the first One Piece filler arc to occur after the time skip. Afterwards, the group at the castle escapes with Shinobu. The Rebellion of Zeus?! In the seas surrounding Wano Country, the Big Mom Pirates draw closer. Kiku also helps to bandage up Zoro after he sustained injuries during the battle with Hawkins. Oden eventually arrives at Kuri and prepares to fight the bandits there. After the battle with Kamazo, Zoro's wound is treated by the woman he saved. Article continues below advertisement "I'm gonna kick the Emperor of the Sea, Kaido's butt! However, the event begins with the shocking revelation that Uta is the daughter of Shanks. Kin'emon decides to continue the raid and board a small rowboat with the Scabbards. In the present, Gyukimaru leads Zoro, Kawamatsu, and Hiyori to an underground chamber where all these weapons have been stored, and Kawamatsu contacts Kin'emon to reveal that they can easily arm their allies come the final battle. Luffy and Zoro head for Bakura on Komachiyo, and they are joined by Kiku, who claims to be a samurai. Great Reversal - Santoryu Beyond the Deadline! Sanji's Specialty Soba! Luffy pummels Kaidou and delivers a final blow using all his strength. Wano should end in the manga in early (February-March) 2022 with no major breaks. Episodes 575-578. Upset but unbroken, Tama stands up to give a command! Luffy, Kid, Law, Killer, and Zoro continue their fight against Kaidou and Big Mom on the Skull Dome's roof. To the Land of Wano! A year later, Oden receives news of Gol D. Roger's execution. !" Although the other allies are struck by Zeus, Luffy is unaffected and uses Gomu Gomu no Kong Gatling to pummel Kaidou. Luffy decides to take Tama to a doctor at the nearest town, and borrows Hitetsu's cursed Meito Nidai Kitetsu without Hitetsu's permission. Until Kawamatsu was caught and arrested, he had worked with Onimaru to collect the weapons left on the graves in the cemetery in order to use them in the final battle against Kaido. Interested in gaining a new perspective on things? After Urashima's men grab Kiku and bring her to the ring, Kiku rejects Urashima by cutting off his topknot. 25 years ago, Kozuki Oden parted ways with the Roger Pirates after their voyage to Laugh Tale, seeking to open Wano Country's borders. Nami strikes a thunder blast to clear the way to the stage on the Live Floor. The Tobi Roppo are summoned by Kaidou. Outside, Gyukimaru transforms into Onimaru. Sakazuki and Fujitora talk about the fate of the recently-ousted Seven Warlords of the Sea while the other Marines discuss the recently-formed alliance between Kaido and Big Mom, with some worrying that Rocks has returned. Confirmed Defeat! Luffy continues trying to use an advanced Busoshoku Haki technique as he and Hyogoro are confronted by Alpacaman and Madilloman. O-Tama's Desperate Challenge! Taking a Chance! Seeing Toko, Orochi attempts to kill her as well, but Zoro and Sanji step in and save her. After finding out that Luffy ate the whole pot of the red-bean soup that she was looking for, Big Mom becomes infuriated and goes after him. It covers the fight on the Skull Dome's roof between the Worst Generation and the Emperors Kaidou and Big Mom. Fortunately, the woman saved earlier by Zoro, named Tsuru, invites them to take refuge in the village of Okobore, where they can treat Tama in her tea room and what next? A Barrage of Powerful Techniques! Usopp and Robin avoid recognition by distorting their faces, and the guards desire to let them through quickly due to fearing Brook's presence. episode 892 I think, one of the best episode I've seen in OP. Luffy is out at sea, when he encounters Ann and her pet, Balloon. A Grudge Over Oshiruko - Luffy Gets into a Desperate Situation. Fighting Music! After learning how much pain Orochi has caused Wano Country, an enraged Oden attempts to kill the Shogun, but is foiled by Higurashi and Semimaru. Big Mom battles with Chopper's tank. Kowleys 1 yr. ago. The Straw Hats in Jeopardy?! Hiyori escapes Kawamatsu's care and is found by Denjiro. Upon hearing that there is still no Tanishi signal, he decides to go and check on it, prompting questions from his subordinates about his hypocrisy. However, the elite corps of the Gifters shows up to crush their inferior opponents. Bartolomeo and O-Tama recap the events of Wano Country Arc up until the Straw Hats gathering together at the Performance Floor. The Whitebeard Pirates' Bonds, Straw Hat Luffy - The Man Who Will Become the Pirate King. The Crew Lands on Onigashima, Luffy Goes Out of Control?! The Protagonists Spread into the Town of Bakura! Franky gets in a fight with the Armored Division. Perospero fights against Carrot and Wanda. Luffy proceed to punch Kamijiro and rescue Tama. A Comprehensive Anatomy! The Legend of Ace in Wano Country! After Luffy parted ways with Tama and Speed, Law takes the group to the ruins of Oden Castle. Caribou looks forward to surprising the Beasts Pirates during the final battle. Queen's new virus devastates the samurai, triggering a transformation. Marco The Phoenix's Flame, Yamato's Past The Man Aiming for an Emperor's Head, Marco's Tears! After the events of the Whole Cake Island Saga, which focused on the Charlotte family, the One Piece story entered the Wano Country Saga, which started with the Levely Arc. The banquet is terrorized by three of the Numbers, who attack the Brachio Tank. After picking up Shanks and Buggy, Roger decides to disband his pirate crew and leaves the ship. After Tama tames Hihimaru, Luffy gets acquainted with her. 1 1.Wano Country Arc | One Piece Wiki - Fandom; 2 2.Which episode does Wano arc start? This category contains the episodes from the Wano Country Arc In the present, word reaches Orochi of the Scabbards' arrival from the past. As the Ebisu Town citizens "laugh" over Yasuie's death, Hiyori reveals to Zoro that they were affected by the fruits known as SMILE. Yamato, Shinobu, and Momonosuke are spotted by a mary in the storehouse and escape after battling many of Kaidou's officers. He easily defeats them and frees the girl, who introduces herself as Tama. lightning and general pacing since the start of Wano. Featurette that was released in theaters. Luffy, Zoro, and Kiku chased after Gazelleman, riding on Komachiyo but they failed to catch up as he was too fast for them. The Legendary Samurai - A Man that Roger Favoured! Whitebeard intervenes and knocks out Karma. Luffy calls out to Holdem, who approaches Luffy's group while holding Tama hostage. Due to their admiration for Oden, Kin'emon and Denjiro decide to follow him. After escaping the attack, the Straw Hats go to an island with carbonated water. We dont know which chapter is going to be the official ending of the arc, but we assume it wont be long after the manga returns from a break. A Mysterious Gravestone - Reunion at the Oden Castle Ruins! Chopper starts creating antibodies to the plague. At sea, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates, accompanied by Carrot, sails towards Wano Country. Wano Country Arc Act 3 Opening Yakusoku no Minato! It is crazy to think that the author Eiichiro Oda had first planned to end the series within 5 years. The Zou Arc, also referred to as the Zunesha Arc, is the first story arc of the Whole Cake Island Saga, continuing from the Dressrosa Arc and saga, the twenty-eighth story arc of the manga and anime One Piece and the fifth story arc of the second half of the series. Afterwards, Luffy acquires an invitation to the Pirates Expo, and the former members of the Cidre Guild give the Straw Hats many barrels of cola for free. For five years, Oden brought shame to his family name on a promise from Orochi, though Orochi betrays Oden and commands him to build weapon factories all throughout Kuri. When is the Wano Country Arc going to end? Like all the other samurai, Chopper is discouraged by the news of Luffy's loss and Queen doesnt miss the chance to finish him off! After Sanji is defeated, King pursues Zoro while he is still incapacitated. Shinobu tries to approach Momonosuke without being noticed. Kaido Laughs! During the meeting, Marco tells Nekomamushi about Whitebeard's childhood and the reason he cannot leave the island. As Orochi heads to the execution site, Yasuie reveals that he lied about being Ushimitsu Kozo and plans to say a few things before meeting his demise. The twentieth season of the One Piece anime series was produced by Toei Animation, directed by Tatsuya Nagamine.The season began broadcasting in Japan on Fuji Television on July 7, 2019. Kid prepares to battle Big Mom, Killer fights Hawkins, and Luffy fights Kaidou. Their fight is interrupted when a woman and Toko arrive seeking help as they were chased by an assassin known as Kamazo. Sad News - The Opening of the Great Pirate Era. Atama Thieves. Oden mocks Orochi and Kaidou shoots him dead. Chapter 909, Dont know the anime equivalent, maybe 916. The ninjas attack Robin in order to find the truth of her intentions but with the help of her Devil Fruit, she is able to get away from them. The anime is definitely still going to be in Wano . Yamato fights Sasaki and the Beasts Pirates Armored Division to protect Momonosuke. The Wano-Country Arc thus began in the Chapter 909 of The First-Atrial series, called Seppuku, which was published first on July 2, 2018. Outside, the Minks transform into their Sulong form to face off against Kaidou and Jack. To open their eyes, Luffy takes a measure that will risk his life. They later arrive at Okobore Town and on top of a mountain, Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin spotted Luffy and Zoro. I found different answer's thats why asking here for a specific answer. Raizo battles Fukurokuju, Killer battles Hawkins, Sanji battles both King and Queen and Nekomamushi enters battle with Perospero. Otama's Secret Plan! During the escape, they encounter Speed and Tama tames her. Babanuki uses a weapon that Queen made to threaten the inmates and make them catch Luffy, but a mysterious figure emerges from the forbidden cell to save Luffy. Luffy ordered Zoro to steal the food cart, which he did with Kiku's help. Land of Wano Arc - Manga Chapter 909 - Anime Episodes: 890-894, 897-906, 906- present. Oden gets distracted by Higurashi disguised as Momonosuke, and Kaidou defeats Oden. Nekomamushi finds Marco in a hidden village where he works as a doctor. Save O-Tama from the Crisis! It is revealed that Orochi had the Beasts Pirates bombed the Thousand Sunny and destroyed some bridges to cut off routes to Tokage Port. The latter introduces herself to Luffy, and tames the baboon, which she names Hihimaru, thanks to her powers. Luffy continues his furious battle with Kaido. Meanwhile, the Scabbards after rest from the injuries are facing Oden to their surprise. A ship fires long ranged cannons and sink some of the samurai ships. As a result, the people of Wano lost respect and grew angry at Kozuki Oden. Wano Kuni-hen Daisanmaku Kaimaku (!) Jan 24 2021 25 years ago, Kozuki Oden parted ways with the Roger Pirates after their voyage to Laugh Tale, seeking to open Wano Country's borders. The Keeper of Whitebeards Last Memento, which premiered on June 23, 2019. During an argument with Shinobu, Law plans to rescue his crew. Who defeated Donquixote doflamingo? However, he is surprised when a huge komainu emerges from the forest, followed by a gigantic baboon carrying a sword. The Fate of the Kozuki Clan! It will chop their heads off if they fall outside the ring of combat! Luffy is fully prepared for the battle! At Okobore Town, Chopper's group convinces Big Mom to travel with them to Udon. On the Wano mainland, Luffy continues to gain energy, and Momonosuke asks Shinobu to turn him into an adult. He is joined by his family as well as stowaways Nekomamushi and Inuarashi. Big Mom then tells King that she will forgive him for attacking her if he joins her crew, as there are three races currently missing from Totto Land's population and he is a member of one of them. Oden survives being boiled alive for an hour in order to save the Scabbards. Back at the labour camp, Queen decides what to do with Luffy and Hyogoro. Luffy and Zoro get angered by the Beast Pirates lack of empathy for the poor citizens of Wano. The Straw Hats Intrudes! MONKEY and the SNAKES painting, 2022 vs 2019. Climbing Up a Waterfall! Luffy separates from his crew to explore the island. Batman attacked Tsuru, but is saved by Zoro, while Tama was abducted by Gazelleman in the confusion. Learn more. After the Straw Hat Pirates' actions against the Big Mom Pirates are . A clash between Whitebeard and Gol D. Roger ensues. Yamato begins heading to the rooftop. In the dense mist, Brook is surprised to see his old friends, the Rumbar Pirates. The Straw Hats sail to Delta Island for the Pirates Expo, and find out that it will have a race for Gol D. Roger's treasure. Doflamingo became the king of Dressrosa after taking the throne from Riku Doldo III eight years before the start of the series. Big Mom's Great Rampage! In Udon prison, Hyogoro tries to make good use of the meal tickets that Luffy generously gave to him, but Daifugo approaches and torments the elderly man. Two days later, several of the Straw Hats and Kozuki Family retainers meet up to discuss the strategy for the final battle, and Kin'emon reveals that Yasuie changed their secret message to have their allies meet at Port Tokage in Udon. Save O-Tama! Great Reputation! A Great Journey Through Wano Country's Sea Zone! After his capture, Tonoyasu is sentenced to execution. The Final Moments of the Most Beautiful Woman in Wano Country. Hitetsu gives Enma to Zoro, and Zoro takes control of it after preventing it from draining his Haki. Chopper continues to battle Queen while Bao Huang declares Luffy's loss. Shutenmaru and Jack quickly get into a fight, but are interrupted when Kaido flies in his dragon form. Zoro gets back on his feet and along with Sanji, confronts King and Queen, the All-Stars of the Beasts Pirates. On the night of the raid, the Scabbards discover the ships at the port have been destroyed and the troops that were summoned did not show up. ), also referred to as the Wano Arc, is the thirty-first story arc of the manga and anime One Piece, both the first and only story arc of the Wano Country Saga, continuing from the Levely Arc and Whole Cake Island Saga, and the eighth story arc of the second half of the series. An eager Luffy postpones their toast in order to join the main attack. Usopp and Nami are faced against Page One and Ulti, Franky distracts Hatcha and Zoro and Drake battle against Apoo. However, the arc isn't concluded yet! The Handcuffs that Shackle Yamato's Freedom! The Worst Generation Captains Luffy, Law, and Kid counter-attack against the Beast Pirate ships. Its actually Zoro, who ran away from the Flower Capital. Kaidou announces a certain New Onigashima Project. Chopper continues fighting Queen, and Nami begins to fight Ulti. The Wano arc has finally arrived in the anime, so let's . In the Onigashima, Luffy, Law and Kid are still fighting against Kaidou. The exact date is not yet known, although from what weve heard from Oda, the Wano Country Arc is practically over. After a battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates, Oden agrees to accompany Roger on his final voyage to the last island due to his ability to read the Poneglyphs. Luffy and Kid's hard work in the labor camp nets them a lot of food but also causes warden Dobon to call for their execution. Entering Enemy Territory! Suddenly, Queen receives a call on his Tanishi from Babanuki, who says that communications have been restored. - Anime and Manga; 8 8.One Piece - Wano Arc (Episodes 957 - 980) Review; 9 9.One Piece: 5 Wano arc episodes where fans loved the animation GregariousEarwax 1 yr. ago. Meanwhile, Nekomamushi faces Perospero who is responsible for Pedros death. Hiyori then tells Zoro to return Shusui, and in exchange she will give him the Meito Enma, a blade wielded by her father that was able to wound Kaido. Fighting for Otama! Luffy's group delivers the stolen food cart to Okobore Town and Luffy also gives the residents clean water. Another Assassin Targets Sanji! With a combined electric attack, the Seven Warlords of the Most Beautiful woman in.... To their admiration for Oden, Kin'emon and Denjiro decide to follow him frees the girl who... Marco tells Nekomamushi about Whitebeard & # x27 ; s it covers the fight on the Dome... Who says that communications have been abolished troops to attack Onigashima without him rallies. Use an advanced Busoshoku Haki technique as he and Hyogoro meet Caribou and Raizo and talks about condition. Zoro takes Control of it after preventing it from draining his Haki - the Opening the! As he and Hyogoro are confronted by Alpacaman and Madilloman to battle Big Mom to travel with to! 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