Server Side Includes (SSI) is a widely used server-side scripting language, which can be used to incorporate the content of one file inside of a second file. It is utilized mostly with online content and it can help make a static HTML site much more dynamic. If you want to have a daily quote shown on a variety of pages of your website, as an example, you can make a text file and switch the quote within it each day. All the web pages in which this file is included are going to display the updated quote, so you'll not have to change them personally each time. SSI may also be used to contain the output of basic functions rather than a static file - for example, the viewer's IP address, a hit counter or even the current date and time. In this way, you may make your site appear much more professional and much more appealing to the visitors. Web pages that use SSI get a .shtml extension.

Server Side Includes in Cloud Hosting

Since our custom made cloud hosting platform supports Server Side Includes on a global level, you will be able to utilize this feature with all of the cloud hosting packages that we offer and bring dynamic content to your websites with a few mouse clicks. SSI can be activated for each specific domain or subdomain by putting an .htaccess file in the website folder with only a few lines of code. Certainly, there is no need to be a coder for that because the required code can be copied from the Help post we have concerning Server Side Includes. If you wish to use this feature for your website, you must rename your site files from .html to .shtml and you have to double-check if all links on your site lead to the up to date names.

Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Servers

Server Side Includes could be enabled in no time with each semi-dedicated server package that we offer and the entire process is going to take you only a minute and only several clicks. You can activate SSI by creating a blank .htaccess file inside a domain or subdomain root folder using the File Manager tool in your Hosting Control Panel or perhaps an FTP application of your preference, then adding a couple of lines of code, which you'll be able to get from the SSI article in our detailed Knowledgebase. The one thing remaining after that is to double-check if all of the web pages that will make use of Server Side Includes are updated from .html to .shtml and also to change the links to different pages on your website, so as to reflect the modifications in the file extensions.