Stage parameters Serverless Framework v3 introduces "stage parameters". Once you deploy your service, the value of those API keys will be auto generated by AWS and printed on the screen for you to use. Use --data and pass is any format of data you want to send it to the local lambda. Maybe you can write a serveless plugin for that., silvermine/serverless-plugin-write-env-vars. To configure status change notifications to your state machine, you can add a notifications like below: As you can see from the above example, you can configure different notification targets for each type of status change. Take a look at the AWS schedule syntax documentation for more details. Configuring Serverless Framework for multiple stages - Brett Andrews - Cloud-Native Software Solutions Configuring Serverless Framework for multiple stages 2020-03-20 Brett Andrews serverless SHARE I'm currently a Staff Software Engineer at Wizeline, where I help improve the performance of software teams. You will also need to update the environment parameter to point to the config.json: To change the stage in the serverless.yml file you need to add the following into the provider tag then deploy your function as usual. The new design: Below is a preview of the new design with the most common commands. Likewise, if sls deploy --stage prod is run the file would be found and used. If you are in a directory with a serverless.yml, the parameters will be listed for the org, app, and service specified in the serverless.yml file: If you are in a directory without a serverless.yml, or if you want to access parameters from another org, app, service, stage, or region, you can pass in the optional flags: Individual parameters can also be accessed from the CLI using the param get sub-command. As mentioned though, we do want to be able to set unique parameters for stages themselves. The closest I could get was reading a 'stage' config variable from a local file. The Eclipse plug in for AWS lets you change that on a per deployment basis and its not the cleanest solution to have the first thing the function does is check its own name, but it has been functional for me. All the functions within a service, when deployed, take the following name format on the AWS Lambda console service_name-stage_name-function_name. When we use Serverless, the only distinction between production deployment and the testing environment is the configuration we use during the deployment. That option can be particularly useful in CI/CD, for example to get a detailed history of the CloudFormation deployment: The error screen has been improved: any failure is now clearly signaled, secondary information is toned down and the error message is printed last, to appear right above the command prompt. This article is a part of my "100 data engineering tutorials in 100 days" challenge. In this chapter we will take a look at how to configure stages in serverless. Region/Stage. Hopefully, this chapter gives you a quick idea on how to set up stages in your Serverless project. Name and Description can be specified for a schedule event. The stage used by the Serverless CLI. "stateMachineArn":"arn:aws:states:#{AWS::Region}:#{AWS::AccountId}:stateMachine:processOrderFlow-${opt:stage}" To reference CLI options that you passed, use the ${opt: