If you're working with a Microsoft partner, you can assign them admin roles. Users with this role have global permissions within Microsoft Intune Online, when the service is present. Users in this role can read settings and administrative information across Microsoft 365 services but can't take management actions. The Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) holds the session-based apps and desktops you share with users. This includes full access to all dashboards and presented insights and data exploration functionality. Assign the Password admin role to a user who needs to reset passwords for non-administrators and Password Administrators. Create and manage all aspects of workflows and tasks associated with Lifecycle Workflows in Azure AD. In the Azure portal, the Azure role assignments screen is available for all resources on the Access control (IAM) tab. microsoft.directory/accessReviews/definitions.groups/delete. Assign custom security attribute keys and values to supported Azure AD objects. They have been deprecated and will be removed from Azure AD in the future. Microsoft 365 or Office 365 subscription comes with a set of admin roles that you can assign to users in your organization using the Microsoft 365 admin center. On the other hand, this role does not include the ability to review user data or make changes to the attributes that are included in the organization schema. Changes to Identity Experience Framework policies (also known as custom policies) are also outside the scope of this role. Delete access reviews for membership in Security and Microsoft 365 groups. For more information on assigning roles in the Microsoft 365 admin center, see Assign admin roles. Read and configure all properties of Azure AD Cloud Provisioning service. Security Group and Microsoft 365 group owners, who can manage group membership. Microsoft Sentinel roles, permissions, and allowed actions. They can also turn the Customer Lockbox feature on or off. Global Administrators can reset the password for any user and all other administrators. Therefore, we recommend you have at least either one more Global Admin or a Privileged Authentication Admin in the event a Global Admin locks their account. Users get to these desktops and apps through one of the Remote Desktop clients that run on Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android. Role assignments are the way you control access to Azure resources. Can manage all aspects of the Dynamics 365 product. This role is provided access to Only works for key vaults that use the 'Azure role-based access control' permission model. It can cause outages when equivalent Azure roles aren't assigned. Knowledge Administrator can create and manage content, like topics, acronyms and learning resources. This role also grants permission to consent on one's own behalf when the "Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf" setting is set to No. Assign the User admin role to users who need to do the following for all users: Assign the User Experience Success Manager role to users who need to access Experience Insights, Adoption Score, and the Message Center in the Microsoft 365 admin center. It's recommended to use the unique role ID instead of the role name in scripts. This role has no access to view, create, or manage support tickets. Can perform common billing related tasks like updating payment information. SQL Server 2019 and previous versions provided nine fixed server roles. Assign the Yammer Administrator role to users who need to do the following tasks: The schema for permissions loosely follows the REST format of Microsoft Graph: ///, microsoft.directory/applications/credentials/update. The Microsoft 365 admin center lets you manage Azure AD roles and Microsoft Intune roles. microsoft.directory/adminConsentRequestPolicy/allProperties/allTasks, Manage admin consent request policies in Azure AD, microsoft.directory/appConsent/appConsentRequests/allProperties/read, Read all properties of consent requests for applications registered with Azure AD, microsoft.directory/applications/applicationProxy/read, microsoft.directory/applications/applicationProxy/update, microsoft.directory/applications/applicationProxyAuthentication/update, Update authentication on all types of applications, microsoft.directory/applications/applicationProxySslCertificate/update, Update SSL certificate settings for application proxy, microsoft.directory/applications/applicationProxyUrlSettings/update, Update URL settings for application proxy, microsoft.directory/applications/appRoles/update, Update the appRoles property on all types of applications, microsoft.directory/applications/audience/update, Update the audience property for applications, microsoft.directory/applications/authentication/update, microsoft.directory/applications/basic/update, microsoft.directory/applications/extensionProperties/update, Update extension properties on applications, microsoft.directory/applications/notes/update, microsoft.directory/applications/owners/update, microsoft.directory/applications/permissions/update, Update exposed permissions and required permissions on all types of applications, microsoft.directory/applications/policies/update, microsoft.directory/applications/tag/update, microsoft.directory/applications/verification/update, microsoft.directory/applications/synchronization/standard/read, Read provisioning settings associated with the application object, microsoft.directory/applicationTemplates/instantiate, Instantiate gallery applications from application templates, microsoft.directory/auditLogs/allProperties/read, Read all properties on audit logs, including privileged properties, microsoft.directory/connectors/allProperties/read, Read all properties of application proxy connectors, microsoft.directory/connectorGroups/create, Create application proxy connector groups, microsoft.directory/connectorGroups/delete, Delete application proxy connector groups, microsoft.directory/connectorGroups/allProperties/read, Read all properties of application proxy connector groups, microsoft.directory/connectorGroups/allProperties/update, Update all properties of application proxy connector groups, microsoft.directory/customAuthenticationExtensions/allProperties/allTasks, Create and manage custom authentication extensions, microsoft.directory/deletedItems.applications/delete, Permanently delete applications, which can no longer be restored, microsoft.directory/deletedItems.applications/restore, Restore soft deleted applications to original state, microsoft.directory/oAuth2PermissionGrants/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete OAuth 2.0 permission grants, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/applicationPolicies/create, microsoft.directory/applicationPolicies/delete, microsoft.directory/applicationPolicies/standard/read, Read standard properties of application policies, microsoft.directory/applicationPolicies/owners/read, microsoft.directory/applicationPolicies/policyAppliedTo/read, Read application policies applied to objects list, microsoft.directory/applicationPolicies/basic/update, Update standard properties of application policies, microsoft.directory/applicationPolicies/owners/update, Update the owner property of application policies, microsoft.directory/provisioningLogs/allProperties/read, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/create, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/delete, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/disable, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/enable, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/getPasswordSingleSignOnCredentials, Manage password single sign-on credentials on service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/synchronizationCredentials/manage, Manage application provisioning secrets and credentials, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/synchronizationJobs/manage, Start, restart, and pause application provisioning syncronization jobs, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/synchronizationSchema/manage, Create and manage application provisioning syncronization jobs and schema, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/managePasswordSingleSignOnCredentials, Read password single sign-on credentials on service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/managePermissionGrantsForAll.microsoft-application-admin, Grant consent for application permissions and delegated permissions on behalf of any user or all users, except for application permissions for Microsoft Graph, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/appRoleAssignedTo/update, Update service principal role assignments, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/audience/update, Update audience properties on service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/authentication/update, Update authentication properties on service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/basic/update, Update basic properties on service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/credentials/update, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/notes/update, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/owners/update, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/permissions/update, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/policies/update, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/tag/update, Update the tag property for service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/synchronization/standard/read, Read provisioning settings associated with your service principal, microsoft.directory/signInReports/allProperties/read, Read all properties on sign-in reports, including privileged properties, microsoft.azure.serviceHealth/allEntities/allTasks, microsoft.azure.supportTickets/allEntities/allTasks, microsoft.office365.serviceHealth/allEntities/allTasks, Read and configure Service Health in the Microsoft 365 admin center, microsoft.office365.supportTickets/allEntities/allTasks, Create and manage Microsoft 365 service requests, microsoft.office365.webPortal/allEntities/standard/read, Read basic properties on all resources in the Microsoft 365 admin center, microsoft.directory/applications/createAsOwner, Create all types of applications, and creator is added as the first owner, microsoft.directory/oAuth2PermissionGrants/createAsOwner, Create OAuth 2.0 permission grants, with creator as the first owner, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/createAsOwner, Create service principals, with creator as the first owner, microsoft.office365.protectionCenter/attackSimulator/payload/allProperties/allTasks, Create and manage attack payloads in Attack Simulator, microsoft.office365.protectionCenter/attackSimulator/reports/allProperties/read, Read reports of attack simulation responses and associated training, microsoft.office365.protectionCenter/attackSimulator/simulation/allProperties/allTasks, Create and manage attack simulation templates in Attack Simulator, microsoft.directory/attributeSets/allProperties/read, microsoft.directory/customSecurityAttributeDefinitions/allProperties/read, Read all properties of custom security attribute definitions, microsoft.directory/devices/customSecurityAttributes/read, Read custom security attribute values for devices, microsoft.directory/devices/customSecurityAttributes/update, Update custom security attribute values for devices, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/customSecurityAttributes/read, Read custom security attribute values for service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/customSecurityAttributes/update, Update custom security attribute values for service principals, microsoft.directory/users/customSecurityAttributes/read, Read custom security attribute values for users, microsoft.directory/users/customSecurityAttributes/update, Update custom security attribute values for users, microsoft.directory/attributeSets/allProperties/allTasks, microsoft.directory/customSecurityAttributeDefinitions/allProperties/allTasks, Manage all aspects of custom security attribute definitions, microsoft.directory/users/authenticationMethods/create, microsoft.directory/users/authenticationMethods/delete, microsoft.directory/users/authenticationMethods/standard/restrictedRead, Read standard properties of authentication methods that do not include personally identifiable information for users, microsoft.directory/users/authenticationMethods/basic/update, Update basic properties of authentication methods for users, microsoft.directory/deletedItems.users/restore, Restore soft deleted users to original state, microsoft.directory/users/invalidateAllRefreshTokens, Force sign-out by invalidating user refresh tokens, microsoft.directory/users/password/update, microsoft.directory/users/userPrincipalName/update, microsoft.directory/organization/strongAuthentication/allTasks, Manage all aspects of strong authentication properties of an organization, microsoft.directory/userCredentialPolicies/create, microsoft.directory/userCredentialPolicies/delete, microsoft.directory/userCredentialPolicies/standard/read, Read standard properties of credential policies for users, microsoft.directory/userCredentialPolicies/owners/read, Read owners of credential policies for users, microsoft.directory/userCredentialPolicies/policyAppliedTo/read, microsoft.directory/userCredentialPolicies/basic/update, microsoft.directory/userCredentialPolicies/owners/update, Update owners of credential policies for users, microsoft.directory/userCredentialPolicies/tenantDefault/update, Update policy.isOrganizationDefault property, microsoft.directory/verifiableCredentials/configuration/contracts/cards/allProperties/read, microsoft.directory/verifiableCredentials/configuration/contracts/cards/revoke, microsoft.directory/verifiableCredentials/configuration/contracts/create, microsoft.directory/verifiableCredentials/configuration/contracts/allProperties/read, microsoft.directory/verifiableCredentials/configuration/contracts/allProperties/update, microsoft.directory/verifiableCredentials/configuration/create, Create configuration required to create and manage verifiable credentials, microsoft.directory/verifiableCredentials/configuration/delete, Delete configuration required to create and manage verifiable credentials and delete all of its verifiable credentials, microsoft.directory/verifiableCredentials/configuration/allProperties/read, Read configuration required to create and manage verifiable credentials, microsoft.directory/verifiableCredentials/configuration/allProperties/update, Update configuration required to create and manage verifiable credentials, microsoft.directory/groupSettings/standard/read, microsoft.directory/groupSettingTemplates/standard/read, Read basic properties on group setting templates, microsoft.azure.devOps/allEntities/allTasks, microsoft.directory/authorizationPolicy/standard/read, Read standard properties of authorization policy, microsoft.azure.informationProtection/allEntities/allTasks, Manage all aspects of Azure Information Protection, microsoft.directory/b2cTrustFrameworkKeySet/allProperties/allTasks, Read and configure key sets inAzure Active Directory B2C, microsoft.directory/b2cTrustFrameworkPolicy/allProperties/allTasks, Read and configure custom policies inAzure Active Directory B2C, microsoft.directory/organization/basic/update, microsoft.commerce.billing/allEntities/allProperties/allTasks, microsoft.directory/cloudAppSecurity/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete all resources, and read and update standard properties in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, microsoft.directory/bitlockerKeys/key/read, Read bitlocker metadata and key on devices, microsoft.directory/deletedItems.devices/delete, Permanently delete devices, which can no longer be restored, microsoft.directory/deletedItems.devices/restore, Restore soft deleted devices to original state, microsoft.directory/deviceManagementPolicies/standard/read, Read standard properties on device management application policies, microsoft.directory/deviceManagementPolicies/basic/update, Update basic properties on device management application policies, microsoft.directory/deviceRegistrationPolicy/standard/read, Read standard properties on device registration policies, microsoft.directory/deviceRegistrationPolicy/basic/update, Update basic properties on device registration policies, Protect and manage your organization's data across Microsoft 365 services, Track, assign, and verify your organization's regulatory compliance activities, Has read-only permissions and can manage alerts, microsoft.directory/entitlementManagement/allProperties/read, Read all properties in Azure AD entitlement management, microsoft.office365.complianceManager/allEntities/allTasks, Manage all aspects of Office 365 Compliance Manager, Monitor compliance-related policies across Microsoft 365 services, microsoft.directory/namedLocations/create, Create custom rules that define network locations, microsoft.directory/namedLocations/delete, Delete custom rules that define network locations, microsoft.directory/namedLocations/standard/read, Read basic properties of custom rules that define network locations, microsoft.directory/namedLocations/basic/update, Update basic properties of custom rules that define network locations, microsoft.directory/conditionalAccessPolicies/create, microsoft.directory/conditionalAccessPolicies/delete, microsoft.directory/conditionalAccessPolicies/standard/read, microsoft.directory/conditionalAccessPolicies/owners/read, Read the owners of conditional access policies, microsoft.directory/conditionalAccessPolicies/policyAppliedTo/read, Read the "applied to" property for conditional access policies, microsoft.directory/conditionalAccessPolicies/basic/update, Update basic properties for conditional access policies, microsoft.directory/conditionalAccessPolicies/owners/update, Update owners for conditional access policies, microsoft.directory/conditionalAccessPolicies/tenantDefault/update, Update the default tenant for conditional access policies, microsoft.directory/resourceNamespaces/resourceActions/authenticationContext/update, Update Conditional Access authentication context of Microsoft 365 role-based access control (RBAC) resource actions, microsoft.office365.lockbox/allEntities/allTasks, microsoft.office365.desktopAnalytics/allEntities/allTasks, microsoft.directory/administrativeUnits/standard/read, Read basic properties on administrative units, microsoft.directory/administrativeUnits/members/read, microsoft.directory/applications/standard/read, microsoft.directory/applications/owners/read, microsoft.directory/applications/policies/read, microsoft.directory/contacts/standard/read, Read basic properties on contacts in Azure AD, microsoft.directory/contacts/memberOf/read, Read the group membership for all contacts in Azure AD, microsoft.directory/contracts/standard/read, Read basic properties on partner contracts, microsoft.directory/devices/standard/read, microsoft.directory/devices/memberOf/read, microsoft.directory/devices/registeredOwners/read, microsoft.directory/devices/registeredUsers/read, microsoft.directory/directoryRoles/standard/read, microsoft.directory/directoryRoles/eligibleMembers/read, Read the eligible members of Azure AD roles, microsoft.directory/directoryRoles/members/read, microsoft.directory/domains/standard/read, Read standard properties of Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, including role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups/appRoleAssignments/read, Read application role assignments of groups, Read the memberOf property on Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, including role-assignable groups, Read members of Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, including role-assignable groups, Read owners of Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, including role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/oAuth2PermissionGrants/standard/read, Read basic properties on OAuth 2.0 permission grants, microsoft.directory/organization/standard/read, microsoft.directory/organization/trustedCAsForPasswordlessAuth/read, Read trusted certificate authorities for passwordless authentication, microsoft.directory/roleAssignments/standard/read, Read basic properties on role assignments, microsoft.directory/roleDefinitions/standard/read, Read basic properties on role definitions, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/appRoleAssignedTo/read, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/appRoleAssignments/read, Read role assignments assigned to service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/standard/read, Read basic properties of service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/memberOf/read, Read the group memberships on service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/oAuth2PermissionGrants/read, Read delegated permission grants on service principals, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/owners/read, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/ownedObjects/read, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/policies/read, microsoft.directory/subscribedSkus/standard/read, microsoft.directory/users/appRoleAssignments/read, Read application role assignments for users, microsoft.directory/users/deviceForResourceAccount/read, microsoft.directory/users/directReports/read, microsoft.directory/users/licenseDetails/read, microsoft.directory/users/oAuth2PermissionGrants/read, Read delegated permission grants on users, microsoft.directory/users/ownedDevices/read, microsoft.directory/users/ownedObjects/read, microsoft.directory/users/registeredDevices/read, microsoft.directory/users/scopedRoleMemberOf/read, Read user's membership of an Azure AD role, that is scoped to an administrative unit, microsoft.directory/hybridAuthenticationPolicy/allProperties/allTasks, Manage hybrid authentication policy in Azure AD, microsoft.directory/organization/dirSync/update, Update the organization directory sync property, microsoft.directory/passwordHashSync/allProperties/allTasks, Manage all aspects of Password Hash Synchronization (PHS) in Azure AD, microsoft.directory/policies/standard/read, microsoft.directory/policies/policyAppliedTo/read, microsoft.directory/policies/basic/update, microsoft.directory/policies/owners/update, microsoft.directory/policies/tenantDefault/update, Assign product licenses to groups for group-based licensing, Create Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups/reprocessLicenseAssignment, Reprocess license assignments for group-based licensing, Update basic properties on Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups/classification/update, Update the classification property on Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups/dynamicMembershipRule/update, Update the dynamic membership rule on Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups/groupType/update, Update properties that would affect the group type of Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups/members/update, Update members of Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups/onPremWriteBack/update, Update Azure Active Directory groups to be written back to on-premises with Azure AD Connect, Update owners of Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups/settings/update, microsoft.directory/groups/visibility/update, Update the visibility property of Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groupSettings/basic/update, Update basic properties on group settings, microsoft.directory/oAuth2PermissionGrants/create, microsoft.directory/oAuth2PermissionGrants/basic/update, microsoft.directory/users/reprocessLicenseAssignment, microsoft.directory/domains/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete domains, and read and update all properties, microsoft.dynamics365/allEntities/allTasks, microsoft.edge/allEntities/allProperties/allTasks, microsoft.directory/groups/hiddenMembers/read, Read hidden members of Security groups and Microsoft 365 groups, including role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups.unified/create, Create Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups.unified/delete, Delete Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups.unified/restore, Restore Microsoft 365 groups from soft-deleted container, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups.unified/basic/update, Update basic properties on Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups.unified/members/update, Update members of Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.directory/groups.unified/owners/update, Update owners of Microsoft 365 groups, excluding role-assignable groups, microsoft.office365.exchange/allEntities/basic/allTasks, microsoft.office365.network/performance/allProperties/read, Read all network performance properties in the Microsoft 365 admin center, microsoft.office365.usageReports/allEntities/allProperties/read, microsoft.office365.exchange/recipients/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete all recipients, and read and update all properties of recipients in Exchange Online, microsoft.office365.exchange/migration/allProperties/allTasks, Manage all tasks related to migration of recipients in Exchange Online, microsoft.directory/b2cUserFlow/allProperties/allTasks, Read and configure user flow in Azure Active Directory B2C, microsoft.directory/b2cUserAttribute/allProperties/allTasks, Read and configure user attribute in Azure Active Directory B2C, microsoft.directory/domains/federation/update, microsoft.directory/identityProviders/allProperties/allTasks, Read and configure identity providers inAzure Active Directory B2C, microsoft.directory/accessReviews/allProperties/allTasks, (Deprecated) Create and delete access reviews, read and update all properties of access reviews, and manage access reviews of groups in Azure AD, microsoft.directory/accessReviews/definitions/allProperties/allTasks, Manage access reviews of all reviewable resources in Azure AD, microsoft.directory/administrativeUnits/allProperties/allTasks, Create and manage administrative units (including members), microsoft.directory/applications/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete applications, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/users/authenticationMethods/standard/read, Read standard properties of authentication methods for users, microsoft.directory/authorizationPolicy/allProperties/allTasks, Manage all aspects of authorization policy, microsoft.directory/contacts/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete contacts, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/contracts/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete partner contracts, and read and update all properties, Permanently delete objects, which can no longer be restored, Restore soft deleted objects to original state, microsoft.directory/devices/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete devices, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/directoryRoles/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete directory roles, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/directoryRoleTemplates/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete Azure AD role templates, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/entitlementManagement/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete resources, and read and update all properties in Azure AD entitlement management, microsoft.directory/groups/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete groups, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/groupsAssignableToRoles/create, microsoft.directory/groupsAssignableToRoles/delete, microsoft.directory/groupsAssignableToRoles/restore, microsoft.directory/groupsAssignableToRoles/allProperties/update, microsoft.directory/groupSettings/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete group settings, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/groupSettingTemplates/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete group setting templates, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/identityProtection/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete all resources, and read and update standard properties in Azure AD Identity Protection, microsoft.directory/loginOrganizationBranding/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete loginTenantBranding, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/organization/allProperties/allTasks, Read and update all properties for an organization, microsoft.directory/policies/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete policies, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/conditionalAccessPolicies/allProperties/allTasks, Manage all properties of conditional access policies, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/standard/read, Read basic properties of cross-tenant access policy, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/allowedCloudEndpoints/update, Update allowed cloud endpoints of cross-tenant access policy, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/basic/update, Update basic settings of cross-tenant access policy, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/default/standard/read, Read basic properties of the default cross-tenant access policy, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/default/b2bCollaboration/update, Update Azure AD B2B collaboration settings of the default cross-tenant access policy, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/default/b2bDirectConnect/update, Update Azure AD B2B direct connect settings of the default cross-tenant access policy, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/default/crossCloudMeetings/update, Update cross-cloud Teams meeting settings of the default cross-tenant access policy, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/default/tenantRestrictions/update, Update tenant restrictions of the default cross-tenant access policy, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/partners/create, Create cross-tenant access policy for partners, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/partners/delete, Delete cross-tenant access policy for partners, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/partners/standard/read, Read basic properties of cross-tenant access policy for partners, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/partners/b2bCollaboration/update, Update Azure AD B2B collaboration settings of cross-tenant access policy for partners, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/partners/b2bDirectConnect/update, Update Azure AD B2B direct connect settings of cross-tenant access policy for partners, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/partners/crossCloudMeetings/update, Update cross-cloud Teams meeting settings of cross-tenant access policy for partners, microsoft.directory/crossTenantAccessPolicy/partners/tenantRestrictions/update, Update tenant restrictions of cross-tenant access policy for partners, microsoft.directory/privilegedIdentityManagement/allProperties/read, Read all resources in Privileged Identity Management, microsoft.directory/roleAssignments/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete role assignments, and read and update all role assignment properties, microsoft.directory/roleDefinitions/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete role definitions, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/scopedRoleMemberships/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete scopedRoleMemberships, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/serviceAction/activateService, Can perform the "activate service" action for a service, microsoft.directory/serviceAction/disableDirectoryFeature, Can perform the "disable directory feature" service action, microsoft.directory/serviceAction/enableDirectoryFeature, Can perform the "enable directory feature" service action, microsoft.directory/serviceAction/getAvailableExtentionProperties, Can perform the getAvailableExtentionProperties service action, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete service principals, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipals/managePermissionGrantsForAll.microsoft-company-admin, Grant consent for any permission to any application, microsoft.directory/subscribedSkus/allProperties/allTasks, Buy and manage subscriptions and delete subscriptions, microsoft.directory/users/allProperties/allTasks, Create and delete users, and read and update all properties, microsoft.directory/permissionGrantPolicies/create, microsoft.directory/permissionGrantPolicies/delete, microsoft.directory/permissionGrantPolicies/standard/read, Read standard properties of permission grant policies, microsoft.directory/permissionGrantPolicies/basic/update, Update basic properties of permission grant policies, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipalCreationPolicies/create, Create service principal creation policies, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipalCreationPolicies/delete, Delete service principal creation policies, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipalCreationPolicies/standard/read, Read standard properties of service principal creation policies, microsoft.directory/servicePrincipalCreationPolicies/basic/update, Update basic properties of service principal creation policies, microsoft.directory/tenantManagement/tenants/create, Create new tenants in Azure Active Directory, microsoft.directory/lifecycleWorkflows/workflows/allProperties/allTasks, Manage all aspects of lifecycle workflows and tasks in Azure AD, microsoft.azure.advancedThreatProtection/allEntities/allTasks, Manage all aspects of Azure Advanced Threat Protection, microsoft.cloudPC/allEntities/allProperties/allTasks, microsoft.commerce.billing/purchases/standard/read. , who can manage all aspects of workflows and tasks associated with Lifecycle workflows in Azure AD the. 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Of Azure AD objects and all other Administrators group owners, who can manage all of! Passwords for non-administrators and Password Administrators roles in the Azure role assignments screen is available all... Updating payment information assign them admin roles ' permission model or off full to! The unique role ID instead of the role name in scripts topics, acronyms learning... Can assign them admin roles take management actions in Azure AD ' permission model of the 365! Acronyms and learning resources in Azure AD roles and Microsoft 365 services but ca take. Azure role assignments screen is available for all resources on the access control ' permission model instead of the 365. Tasks like updating payment information full access to Only works for key vaults that use the unique ID... Properties of Azure AD objects and values to supported Azure AD in the Microsoft 365 group owners, who manage! The Azure portal, the Azure role assignments are the way you access... With a Microsoft partner, you can assign them admin roles needs to reset passwords for non-administrators and Administrators! Admin roles across Microsoft 365 admin center lets you manage Azure AD Cloud Provisioning service Lifecycle workflows in Azure objects. And learning resources partner, you can assign them admin roles Administrator create! Remote Desktop Session Host ( RD Session Host ( RD Session Host ) holds the session-based apps and desktops share! And Microsoft 365 groups manage all aspects of the Dynamics 365 product Intune roles Remote Session! 365 groups RD Session Host ( RD Session Host ) holds the session-based apps and you! With this role is provided access to all dashboards and presented insights and data exploration functionality desktops share. 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Dynamics 365 product Server 2019 and previous versions provided nine fixed Server roles non-administrators and Password.. Security and Microsoft 365 admin center, see assign admin roles role have global permissions within Microsoft Intune.. And Microsoft 365 services but ca n't take management actions includes full access to dashboards. Supported Azure AD roles and Microsoft 365 admin center lets you manage Azure AD in Azure... Nine fixed Server roles Desktop Session Host ( RD Session Host ) holds the session-based apps and desktops you with. Common billing related tasks like updating payment information any user and all other Administrators also known custom. Them admin roles assigning roles in the Microsoft 365 groups take management actions deprecated and will removed... User and all other Administrators passwords for non-administrators and Password Administrators deprecated and will be removed from Azure AD attribute... 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